Drought and cannabis

Drought and Watering Cannabis Fields: 500 tonnes of water in our extreme and dry conditions is a great gift for our cannabis fields.

In recent months, due to exceptional dry weather conditions, cannabis farm owners have been faced with the challenge of irrigating their fields and ensuring yield and growth stability. Today, we want to share the results and efforts made to grow cannabis plants during this exceptionally dry season.

Our hemp farm

Our farm, located in the municipality of Kazlų Rūda, has 3 fields with a relatively large area of cannabis cultivation, which provide the highest quality cannabis flower tea to a wide range of customers and sectors. We understand that these plants are not sensitive, but in such weather they may simply be doomed to die and therefore require watering at this time to ensure optimal growth. This is why we have had a major challenge in recent years, when we were forced to implement efficient water supply directly to the fields.

drought and cannabis fields

Decisions implemented

Every year, our cannabis fields need water, but in no year have we had to water our cannabis fields, but this year we have had exceptional weather conditions and we have not had our usual rain for over a month. In order to ensure that our cannabis plants receive the necessary moisture during the early growth period, we had to formulate effective and optimal solutions as soon as possible.

One of our main actions was the mobilisation of a fire hose about 180 metres and powerful pumps to the fields. When we felt the threat of drought, we started to look for the best solutions to preserve our usual annual harvest. When growing our Magu Space hemp flower tea, we chose clean and beautiful locations and fertile soils, and the land we chose has streams running through it. This led us to the best solution for watering cannabis fields as soon as possible.

Drought and cannabis, how best to irrigate such land

During the drought, the efficiency of watering has to be considered, both early in the morning to minimise evaporation and in the evening when the sun is low. We did not want to just wet the surface of the ground, which would not benefit the cannabis fields, but we watered the designated areas, a certain amount of water per square metre, the surface of the soil was covered with water, after a while the ground starts to absorb the water and then it is back to the same place and watering again. This helps to maintain optimum soil moisture.

Effort and result

Thanks to all these efforts, we really believe that we have succeeded in ensuring that the thought of drought and cannabis does not keep nagging at us all the time. Our cannabis fields will be adequately and qualitatively cultivated for the harvest of cannabis flowers, despite the challenges posed by extreme dry conditions. This will allow us to maintain our high yields and continue our commitment to providing our customers with the best cannabis products.

drought and cannabis fields

We are proud of the efforts and investments we have made to keep our cannabis farm going, even under difficult conditions. We want to underline our commitment to sustainable agriculture. We hope that these efforts will help us to meet the challenges of the future and to maintain the high quality of products that our customers expect from our Magu Space team.

Article created by Magu Space

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