2022 Year of cultivation

An interesting year in the cannabis fields

Cannabis fields, like every year, require a lot of attention, cultivation, knowledge and time. This year has been no exception in the cannabis fields, with a number of challenges that have had to be tackled in a variety of ways, but starting from the beginning…

Spring was a turbulent time because of Russia’s war with Ukraine, but as I gathered my information and my emotions settled down, I started preparing the ground for sowing.

As I do every year, I read through the stack of amendments prepared by our government, I realised it wasn’t going to get any easier, bureaucracy, as always, takes more time than working with the land, but, well, the lazy man’s bread eats the lazy man’s bread, so I got to work, and so did my cannabis fields. I made sure I had the most important points in the documents, I made the dates, I looked at everything again and it seemed not so difficult, I can do it.

Since there is nothing new in the law on what seeds can be sown, I ordered the most proven seeds for tea. It’s great to have found reliable suppliers over the years, and the cannabis fields I’ve sown always have a good germination rate.


Finding and matching tillage is not as easy as it might seem, with spring being a busy time for everyone, and then there are our hemp fields. Everyone is out in the fields – ploughing, mowing, cultivating, disking, harrowing, harrowing, levelling, furrowing, hoeing, milling etc. I’m among them, looking for someone to level the field so I can plant cannabis. So, after a lot of searching, I found a great farmer who agreed to help me work the land for sowing. Soon we were on the tractor together, levelling the land for the cannabis sowing, look!

Sitting in the tractor, I was counting how many furrows to sow and wondering whether this year the hemp furrows will be visited again by roe deer, hares and foxes from the nearby forest, and I have my binoculars handy for that – it’s always fun to watch the wildlife, it’s so close to us!

Every year, the ranks of cannabis tea lovers grow, and so do we, and this year we have decided to plant another cannabis field.

Because we want straight, beautiful furrows so that the cannabis has plenty of room to grow its beautiful flowers, we sow our cannabis fields by hand. This time we didn’t have time to sow all the fields we have and the rains started… I check the weather forecast several times a day, it doesn’t bode well, the rain is coming in with a sigh of relief, but it doesn’t help the fields to dry out. Meadows, fields that have already been sown, accumulate water and puddles. I am talking with like-minded farmers about what will happen when it stops raining, when not all the fields are cultivated, not all the fields are ready, and even those that are already sown and planted, will there be a good harvest when it rains so much, or will there be no need for replanting, replanting? I am comforted by the fact that hemp is quite resistant to diseases that can spread with continued rain. But one field is unprepared, unplanted and puddled, so I try to save the situation by digging a ditch to drain the standing water, dry out the field and allow machinery to enter.

I’m digging and I can’t believe it, it’s starting to rain again and the water in the ditch is pooling in my eyes! But the work was not in vain, the weather has improved, the machinery has managed to get in, the field has been tilled, and I’m in a hurry to sow, it’s the end of June! Will cannabis grow in time? They’ll make it, they only need 10-12 weeks, so let’s go!

Cannabis fields and experiences

This year Mother Nature has certainly not spared us any rainfall, apparently she has been trying to keep us from drying out, and we have been trying to keep the French lavender fields from drying out, but now I see that one of the latest cannabis fields to be sown has not survived the humidity, and will not produce the expected harvest.

And again I sit reading laws, ministerial orders, I get lost, I call the Ministry of the Environment, I ask them what are the actions, what are the requirements, I hear they don’t know, they’ll find out, they’ll answer me. I am glad that I don’t have to sit alone and wander through the intricacies of the law. Finally, I get a reply that I have to come, I have to write a request – to come to observe the destruction of the harvest. But what will the harvest be if the cannabis plants are drowned, barely emerged, and the tractor is unlikely to be able to drive in? We agree that I can fill in my application online, and I’m glad to see that public institutions are improving and digitising.

I look at the weather forecast again, monitor the situation and combine destroying the „harvest” and monitoring it. It’s been a good week, the weather has finally improved and the land has dried out, so I’ve agreed that a tractor will arrive on Monday, and we’re inviting representatives of the Ministry of the Environment to observe the eradication of the cannabis field, but I’m warning that if it rains over the weekend, it’s not clear whether the tractor will be able to get through.

It’s Monday and it hasn’t rained at the weekend, so I hope that we won’t have to postpone the destruction of the „crop” and that the tractor will be able to plough up the cannabis field nicely and leave it for next year. In autumn, there will be other work to be done – drainage inspections, which I haven’t come across before, so I will need to gather information, enrich my knowledge and share it with you! 🙂

I have been calling since the morning to ask if the tractor is working, if the observers will come, everything seems fine, so I rush to the ground to meet the „harvesters” and observers. It’s nice when no one is late! 🙂

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